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Teen Brides
Hello me name is Omar Chomo and I would like to introduce you to a brand new service being offered by the
Crescent moon Bridal Bouquet

(mail order brides)

Now if you're like me the last thing you want to do is waste time and money looking thru catalogs of old divorced hags, widows and the fattest and ugliest woman on earth.
but you wont find anything like that here at the
Crescent moon.

Crescent moon has the strictest Requirements of all the bridal mail order services

All Girls must be faithful students of Islam

All Girls must be between the ages of nine and fourteen

All Girls must be circumcised to prevent lustful wanderings

Now hold on their I know that your thinking
but Omar I'm not Muslin

Don't worry my friend we here at the
crescent moon have though of everything

First you will fly 1st class to one of our destination cities in the middle east you will stay at a four star Hotel with private
Jacuzzi in your room
them you will spend seven to ten days meeting the girls of

Crescent moon

after you have met the Preteen of your dreams and you want to get married you enroll in a three- hour course in the Koran and take a 15 min. Oral exam with a real muslin cleric
(don't worry he only speaks Arabic)
and one of our interpreters will help you with your answers *wink wink*
answer for you

and before you know it you and your preteen girlfriend are husband and wife

and that's not all what if you made a mistake or find out she wasn't a virgin on your wedding night or you think she's been cheating on you after you get her home
don't worry because here at the

Crescent Moon

we offer

just bring her back and chose another no second test or classes
and we will have her stoned or beheaded at

No EXTRA Charge

" Gee Omar where do I sign Up"

Just email your Friends here at the

Crescent Moon

and well do the res


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